Sunday, March 14, 2010


The word communities is a very broad term, so I will usew it in the sense of hobbies because hobbies and the lunch pad in which we develop relationships. My two "communities" are that of sporting and gaming.
I first became involved in sports as soon as I could pick up a ball. Ive made most of my friends through such activities and still have them in most cases. As Ive gotten older my role has better much increased with my skill level changing, the more I play the more freinds ive made. When I am in the heat of competition i feel most comfortable and able to speak my mind.
Gaming has been apart of my life for sometime now. Alot of my friends and family members paly such activities in order to entertain our fill our need for competition and ive been playing ever since my dad bought me a NES for Christmas many years ago. As the systems and games change the one thing that doesnt is our and my will to play.
Anyone who doesnt play regularl in gaming is not considered "in" because they probably suck, same as in sporting. You need practice. Being good at it gets you in the door, and excelling keeps you there. When you stop playing or lose skill level or athleticism your practically take yourself out but few still linger until they are pretty much kicked out.
Values most carry in both communities is that of competition and fun, but some tend to lean on the one rather than both. I play many times a week in both, sometims daily especially in the summer. Membership is very important because its a cruch to my social legs.

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