Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Rebuilt Detroit neighborhood my eyes

My new Detroit community would be a completely new neighborhood filled with new buildings furnished and supplied my donations by fortunate ones and companies, along with labor through volunteers and my inhabitants.
The city layout would be a series of rings.
The middle would be the community center. Where neighborhood meetings would take place, along with an area dedicated to physical health (gyms, tracks, ect.)
In between each municipal "ring" would be a ring of residential living.
Third ring would be the neighbor hood schools and parks, so that they will be safe and fully visual to parents and authorities alike.
Fifth ring would be consistant with commericial buildings, so that the neighbor economy will be healthy.
Seventh would be my last ring which would include the area for the places of worship, so that the neighborhood will be healthy not just finanicially and physically, but also spritually.
The housing would be condo style living becuase I want to encourage positive interaction between neighbors. My coummity will be marketed for familys and married couples alike. It will be a family atmosphere.
The neighborhood would be gated because of the family atmosphere protective is a premium. The layout will help ensure my vision will become a reality because it encourages such a community.

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