Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dream Vacation

If I had to chose just one city where I would spend a week in it would have to be Barcelona, Spain. I have always wanted to visit Spain and epsecially this region of that country. I guess what attracts me most to to since particular city would have to be the weather which is always great, beaches, cafes and restuarants, soccer games (big fan of Barcelona FC of the la liga), and who could resist the nightlife of Spain most notingly Barcelona. They only thing that would concern me would be the language (I dont speak Spanish and cost (I hear Spain is SUPER expensive). Not knowing the language could prove difficult and make it hard for navigation. The cost would suck because well I dont have much money as a college student. The positives that steem from the great weather there which is a constant, the constant supply of activities to do while there, and the reputation Spanards have for have a great time the world over. The only real negative ideas i have heard or read about was the extremely high cost of living there and that European attitude many people seem to experiance coming from America over there. My cousins girlfriend spent a summer there for school last year and was bragging about what a wonderful time she had there, seen some pics in travel mags but other than that nothing else. So there you have it, Barcelona is my dream spot...for now ;)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Public Perceptions of Detroit

When you first think of Detroit images of landmarks such as Joe Louis's fist, Hart Plaza and the Renaissance building immediately appear. Although lately the images being portrayed by many media outlets and suburbanites alike is that of a city in ruin. We are constantly bombarded with stories of a city in crisis from affects of the recession both nationally and state-wide, crime and neighborhoods and city areas suffering from city scandals (i.e. Kwame Kilpatrick) and just plain neglect. Images of struggle dominant popular culture landscape of Detroit. The accuracy of these images are with no doubt true. Working and driving through Detroit on a daily basis I've seen these images in real life. People with not much hope, city blocks where only one or two houses remain occupied or still standing, drug addicts comb through city streets, home invasions and violent crimes widespread, and the only area somewhat "free" from these problems is the downtown area. Talking to many Detroiters the feeling is that of abandonment with little to no hope for much change. Living in the metro Detroit area I have noticed what a difference a mile or crossing the street matters in quality of life, in some areas the difference between Detroit and Dearborn is 100 feet. Living in a suburb of Detroit I am able to experience the best of what Detroit has to offer without dealing with its many and frequent problems.

Mike K

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Histoy on the East Side

Ive been working for a family business on Gratiot and 6mile for most of my adult life. My father purchased land less than a city block away from where he grew up. It seems he has been there his whole life. The image Detriot's east side has isnt a very good and true one. Yes its rough and sometime could prove to be a very dangerous place. One time murder capital of the world. But it is filled with many wonderful people and to be honest some pretty horrible and rotten ones. This blog will fill you in on my weekly adventures on the sometimes scary, funny and downright strange times at work. If past experiances serve me well youll be in for a fantastic vonage. Hope youll enjoy.

Mike K